attend to the Daekyung University Family Company Day event.


attend to the Daekyung University Family Company Day event.

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The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement(CEO Seong dae geun)
Attendance at Daekyung University LINC+ Family Company Day


Our The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement attended Daekyung University

LINC+ Family Company Day held at 42nd Street Restaurant at Daekyung University on the 16th.

The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement signed an MOU
with the Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation of Daekyung University in January 2021.

In the press release I introduced before, I introduced a project jointly with Daekyung University. Do you remember?

Our The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement is developing a gardening career test that allows career and diagnostic tests online as a joint project with Daekyung University.

It is an online career diagnosis test that can provide accurate test results with big data-based artificial intelligence through professional counseling support and solutions.

It is not a typical test method that can be hard and boring,
but a game-type career and diagnostic test that discovers one's career path through activities such as decorating games and pictures, cards, and questions.

Aren't you very interested in the experience of having fun playing games online and finding out your career path?

Professor Cho Joong hyun, head of the Career Psychological Counseling Center at Daekyung University, is developing content and developing a gardening career test at The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement.

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The event was held in the order of announcing the performance of the LINC+ project group and delivering the family company's plaque of appreciation.


CEO Seong dae geun, the CEO of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, also received a plaque of appreciation and a bouquet of flowers as a representative of the family company.

After the Family Company Day event, we moved to the Capstone Design Exhibition of Daekyung University students.






These are items that Daekyung University students have studied and manufactured hard.

There were also works on display that won the Capstone Design Competition,

and there were so many works that it was hard to believe that they were made by students.


Seong dae geun, CEO of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, also looked at the students' capstone design products while listening to the professor's explanation.

Thankfully, it was a good opportunity to receive the school's plaque of appreciation and to see the students' fresh and completed works.
