Attendance at the launching ceremony of the Youth Crisis Care Committee.


Attendance at the launching ceremony of the Youth Crisis Care Committe…

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The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement(CEO Seong dae geun)

Attending the launching ceremony of the Youth Crisis Care Committee held at the National Assembly Hall.


The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement attended the launching ceremony of the Youth Crisis Care Committee held at the National Assembly Hall on the 8th.


"Youth Crisis Care Committee". What does it do?

The Youth Crisis Care Committee is a committee organized to help students suffering from emotional and psychological pain, multicultural youth, North Korean defectors, end-of-care youth, and disabled youth, including dyslexia, to restore community.




According to the COVID-19 quarantine guidelines, only 18 members, including Kang Deuk-gu, the head of the National Sympathy Center, and Yoon Young-deok, a member of the Education Committee, attended the launching ceremony.



Seong dae geun, CEO of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, was appointed as one of 66 members of five departments of the Youth Crisis Care Committee.


On this day, not only the appointment of committee members but also policy proposals for each division were drawn up.

Policy proposals were made in areas such as multicultural youth by jeon yeong gook children and adolescents with emotional psychological crisis in schools by Ahn Hae yong, children from facilities and foster homes by Park Hyun hee, North Korean defectors by Chairman Kang Kyung sook, and out-of-school youth by subcommittee Park Kwan ho.


Kang Deuk gu of the Democratic Party of Korea proposed to operate the Youth Crisis Care Committee as a permanent special committee.


Seong dae geun, CEO of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, said it was an honor to attend a meeting to propose policies to help youth isolated from society through activities of the Youth Crisis Care Committee, and promised to work as a member of the Youth Crisis Care Committee.

I hope that Korea will continue to move one step at a time to a warmer society without anyone being alienated like this!
