attendance at NFT META KOREA 2022


attendance at NFT META KOREA 2022

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The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement(CEO Seong dae geun)

attendance at NFT META KOREA 2022


On the 22nd, The Korea Institute For Education &Amp; Evaluation Advancement(CEO Seong Dae Geun) attended the NFT META KOREA 2022 held at the Grand Ballroom on the 5th floor of Parnas, Grand Intercontinental Seoul.

nftmeta Korea 2022 is the theme of the 14th World Blockchain Summit Marbles in 2022.


Under the theme of "Opening NFT in the Web 3.0 Era, New Financial Assets and Metabus New Paradigm," the event was organized to gather various opinions from experts on Korea's blockchain and metabus development prospects and markets after COVID-19.

Perhaps that's why, the event itself consisted of a lot of discussions.



In front of the Grand Ballroom, where the event was held, booths of various companies were prepared, so you could see many technologies.

There are also companies that allow you to experience our technologies, so you can experience unfamiliar or interesting technologies for yourself!


The event was divided into a total of 7 sessions, followed by discussions and presentations on various topics.

Looking at the topics, in Session 1, a debate was held under the theme of

In session 2, ,,>

In session 3, <1,000 faces of Nft>

In Session 4,

In Session 5,&메타버스>

Session 6's <"Tayo"! Exciting Metaverse>

Session 7's <The era of virtual economy created by Metaverse is coming>.
Various topics have been prepared.

NFT and Metaverse were quite popular when they first appeared, but now they are really explosive.

In particular, many people seem to be interested in virtual assets such as NFT.

NFT META KOREA 2022 was a really beneficial event needed for that recent trend!

In the future, as blockchain technology, NFT, and Metabus technologies develop further and melt into life, information on this will increase even more, right?

I think I will have to study harder about the fourth industry in the future.
