Attended ESG Conference "Global Growth Engine 2023 ESG Leadership"


Attended ESG Conference "Global Growth Engine 2023 ESG Leadership…

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Korea Institute for Education & Evaluation Advancement (Seong Dae Geun)

Held in the 2nd Chamber of the National Assembly Hall

Attended ESG Conference 'Global Growth Engine 2023 ESG Leadership'


We, the Korea Educational Evaluation Promotion Agency (CEO Sung Dae-geun),December 29 at the National Assembly Hall


ESG Conference 'Global Growth Engine 2023 ESG Leadership'I was invited to attend as an ESG Leadership speaker!

For those who are not sure what ESG is

Let me explain!




ESG stands for 'Environmental', 'Social','Governance' is a term named after the first alphabet of each,It was first used in a UN report in 2004.

Recently, ESG has become a new investment standard rather than a simple management method,

and using ESG factors as an investment criterion means not only the financial performance of a company,

but also environmental protection, social responsibility, corporate governance and

The same non-financial performance plays an important role in investment decisions.

It means you're upset!

The event was hosted by Collaboration News and Member of Parliament Yang Ki-gi.It was held jointly!


ESG Conference "Global Growth Engine 2023 ESG Leadership

"Part 1 and Part 2 consisted of a conference and special lectures by ESG experts,

and part 2 featured special lectures on ESG leadership.In Part 2, ESG Leadership Special LectureHe presented as a speaker.

In Part 1, Jae-so Yang, President of the Gyeonggi Information Industry Association andDirector of Hanse University Wonpyo Son and

Dr. Heejun AhnFinally, Seok-Kyun Jung, Director of the Research Branch of the Korean ESG Society

He gave a special lecture.In Part 2, our CEO Sung Dae-geun"Companies Changing in the ESG Era,

ESG as a Condition for Survival",ESG and Corporate Management Presentations!


Sung Dae-geun, CEO of Korea Educational Evaluation Promotion Agency,

"ESG management has become a value that should be pursued continuously,

and it is an inevitable trend of the times, and although it is a very difficult and arduous process to accept ESG

and change the existing method, you can get greater benefits

if you continue to lay a solid foundation through long-term and systematic planning.

Through this Global Growth Engine 2023 ESG ConferenceI was able to get a variety of information,

and I was able to organize my thoughts on my own.

I think it was a great opportunity." He said!


Thankfully, our Chairman Sung Dae-geun

As a member of the Korea Education Evaluation Promotion Agency,

he was recognized for his contribution to ESG activation and ESG management leadership,

and received a parliamentary citation!It's really cool!!A society where everyone is happy,


A society where everyone is educated equally,To create a society where everyone works happily

The Korea Educational Evaluation Agency is always striving for it.

Please keep an eye on the efforts of the Korea Educational Evaluation Agency!

We'll be back next time with you some good news!
