Development of a joint career and diagnostic test program with the Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement and Daekyung University.


Development of a joint career and diagnostic test program with the Kor…

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The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement and Daekyung University announced on the 21st that they will carry out a joint project to develop a program that provides career and diagnostic test services.

The developed program is a career/diagnostic test, and counseling services can be used through the online gardening career test game.

In addition, big data-based professional counseling services can be effectively used, and the contents of professional counselors are provided with accurate test results with big data-based artificial intelligence through professional counseling support and solutions.

In particular, through the gardening career test game, participants enjoy each picture as a game rather than the existing test method, discover their career path through cards and questions, and use individual customized counseling services.

"The program will strengthen the service to help students effectively make career choices by exploring their career values, discovering interest and abilities," said Seong Dae Geun CEO of the Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement.

Professor Jo Jung hyeon of Daekyung University (Director of the Student Career Psychological Counseling Center), who developed the content of the game, said, "How quickly does it overcome psychological barriers that students have?" is an important factor in the efficiency and effectiveness of career counseling. From this point of view, the online career board game developed this time has the advantage of making people curious rather than wary through various fun elements, he said.
