Seong Dae Geun, CEO of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation …
2021.12.24 17:03
The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement (CEO Seong Dae Geun) announced on the 24th that it attended the Capstone Design Exhibition at Daekyung University on the 16th.
캡Capstone design is a curriculum that allows you to experience the entire process of planning, designing, and producing works instead of graduation papers to solve problems encountered in industrial sites, and is also called creative comprehensive design.
Daekyung University held a "Capstone Design Excellence Presentation" on the 30th of last month to examine 35 team works from 18 departments that participated in the project and select 10 final outstanding teams to hold a Capstone Design Exhibition along with Family Company Day on the 16th.
Seong Dae Geun, CEO of the Korea Educational Evaluation Promotion Agency, said, "Currently, education is needed to cultivate talented people necessary for practical work, not just theoretical lectures." In that sense, Daekyung University's Co-op system and capstone design exhibition can be seen as an education that meets the needs of society, he said. "We will work harder to cultivate field-tailored talent by cooperating with Daekyung University as a family company."
Professor Cho Joong-hyun, head of Daekyung University's Student Career Psychological Counseling Center, said, "Capstone design is an important event to train technical personnel that meet the needs of industrial sites, and students set topics for a semester and show what they have learned."and "I'm happy to be able to show the results of the students' three-year efforts to the exhibition like this,"
캡Capstone design is a curriculum that allows you to experience the entire process of planning, designing, and producing works instead of graduation papers to solve problems encountered in industrial sites, and is also called creative comprehensive design.
Daekyung University held a "Capstone Design Excellence Presentation" on the 30th of last month to examine 35 team works from 18 departments that participated in the project and select 10 final outstanding teams to hold a Capstone Design Exhibition along with Family Company Day on the 16th.
Seong Dae Geun, CEO of the Korea Educational Evaluation Promotion Agency, said, "Currently, education is needed to cultivate talented people necessary for practical work, not just theoretical lectures." In that sense, Daekyung University's Co-op system and capstone design exhibition can be seen as an education that meets the needs of society, he said. "We will work harder to cultivate field-tailored talent by cooperating with Daekyung University as a family company."
Professor Cho Joong-hyun, head of Daekyung University's Student Career Psychological Counseling Center, said, "Capstone design is an important event to train technical personnel that meet the needs of industrial sites, and students set topics for a semester and show what they have learned."and "I'm happy to be able to show the results of the students' three-year efforts to the exhibition like this,"