Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, won the 2022 Best Person of the Year Grand Prize


Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation …

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Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, said on the 13th that he won the grand prize in the "Educational Service category" at the "2022 Best Person of the Year Awards" held at the Seoul Press Center International Conference Hall.

The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement provides systematic education to cultivate and supply customized talent needed in industrial sites, and establishes a system of education and provides practical education through agreements with various institutions.

It is educating technologies necessary for field practice by reflecting the research and development of technologies related to the 4th industrial revolution and the era of digital transformation, especially big data-based artificial intelligence solution programs, big data utilization technologies, and system technologies using blockchain.

In addition, recently, an e-Test disabled ambassador was recruited and commissioned with Nazareth University. In addition, as a member of the Youth Crisis Care Committee, it is planning to carry out activities, vocational ability development training for the disabled, and projects related to the disabled, and is striving in various ways to realize successful social transformation and true social integration.

CEO Seng Dae-geun said, "As a company that provides educational services, we are trying to help various people get opportunities. "We would like to provide education services through the Ministry of Employment and Labor or other ministries to provide a society where people of various classes can receive high-quality education and training and build knowledge and skills to provide education for teenagers and the disabled," he said.
