Training of human resources tailored to the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Training of human resources tailored to the era of the Fourth Industri…

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The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement (CEO Seong Dae geun) is carrying out educational projects through cooperation and agreements with various institutions, noting the need for systematic vocational education to supply customized manpower needed for industrial sites.

The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement has signed agreements with 21 universities, including Dongguk University, and 14 companies (organizations) including the Federation of Korean Arts and Culture Organizations and CUCKOO. Through this, it provides high-quality on-site customized education and contributes to the creation of youth jobs by training job seekers as practical talents needed by companies.

In addition to the education project ofThe Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, research, certification, and publishing projects are being conducted at the same time. In addition, it operates career diagnostic test gardening using its own big data-based artificial intelligence (AI) solution program in the era of digital transformation, and Toms Mall, a shopping mall service that helps consumers analyze consumption patterns and consume reasonably using big data.

The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement plans to continue to do its best to provide the best educational services in various fields, such as developing platforms and programs by producing differentiated contents through the grafting of daily life and the fourth industry.
