Pointpang Co., Ltd. officially launches "Pointpang App" in Metaverse.


Pointpang Co., Ltd. officially launches "Pointpang App" in M…

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PointPang (CEO Kim Ki yeon) announced on Monday, the 24th that it will hold an online launch event for the "PointPang App" in the metaverse space produced by PointPang.

At the PointPang launching event, employees, including PointPang CEO Kim Ki yeon, (Kim Tae ho, Sung Dae geun), will participate as avatars containing the individuality of PointPang to celebrate the launch of PointPang. At the launching event, you can check various promotional materials and videos related to PointPang, and CEO Kim Ki yeon's virtual character will appear on the stage to showcase PointPang's core functions as a video with AI voice data.

PointPang introduced a re-reward policy that returns 3-5% of Coupang products to customers as points through the Coupang Partners partnership, and provides a service that reviews purchases through its own inspection program to pay points, and provides many other services in the future.

Another function of PointPang is that PointPang members who collected through shopping donate through points, such as the expression "sharing my happiness collected while shopping."

Kim Tae ho, general director, said, "Considering when you have recently shopped and how much you do in a month, it is difficult to try donation or volunteer work, and shopping is naturally done countless times to give gifts to yourself and precious people, but donations are not important.""I hope you can start with Seo and Pointfang," he said.

"When you shop, PointPang is not just a place to buy things, but a place to accumulate points, make other shopping possible through points, donate, and give points," said CTO Seong dae geun, chief technology officer. "With one shopping, you can enjoy shopping through other services, and start developing points."
