the Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement Corp. signed an agreement with the Saekdong Mothers' Association support lifelong education


the Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement Corp. signe…

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On the 13th, the Korea Education Evaluation Promotion Agency signed a business agreement to cooperate in lifelong education and support NCS at the office of the Saekdong Mothers' Association in Seocho-gu, Seoul, with executives and employees including Seong dae geun CEO, Han Ga young, Kim Myung jin, researcher Choi Sung gil, and Um Ji won.

We hope this agreement will serve as an opportunity for middle-aged and elderly women to successfully find employment and start a business, said Seong dae geun CEO of the Korea Education Evaluation Agency. "We plan to open various NCS education programs in the future to improve job skills and expand our social participation."

Lee Yeon soon, chairman of the Saekdong Mothers' Association, said, "Mr. Bang Jeong-hwan, a sofa who created Children's Day, already knew that children are our future. Remembering that we are leaving our children behind, the Saekdong Mothers' Association is active in various contents for children such as fairy tales, puppet shows, fusion musicals, and traditional culture to create a happy country for children. At a time when everyone was struggling with the unprecedented epidemic, the Korea Educational Evaluation Agency and the Korea Educational Evaluation Promotion Agency had an opportunity to take a leap forward by keeping the basics of the corporation, Saekdong Mothers' Association. We opened a new path above 45 years of history with the wishes of Saekdong Mother's Members, a corporation that gives comfort and happiness to children under stress, who cannot go outside and play freely and take off their masks. "We will take the lead in a country where children are happy with the Korea Educational Evaluation Promotion Agency," he said.

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