Seong dae geun, CEO of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation …
2022.02.10 19:38
Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, announced on the 10th that he attended the launching ceremony of the "Youth Crisis Care Committee" held in the first seminar room of the National Assembly Hall on the 8th.
The Youth Crisis Care Committee, co-chaired by Professor Kang Kyung sook (secondary special education) of Wonkwang University and Professor Kim Young hwan of Pusan National University, operates five departments by 66 members. The committee was organized to provide help to students suffering from emotional and psychological pain, teenagers out of school, multicultural, North Korean defectors, end-of-protection youths, dyslexia, and other youths in need of social help.
According to the COVID-19 quarantine guidelines, 18 members, including Kang Deuk-gu, head of the National Sympathy Center, and Yoon Young-deok, head of the Education Committee, attended the launching ceremony, and policy proposals were made by division, including Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement. The policy proposal was made in each field to help teenagers in each situation, and along with the village community, it proposed an integrated platform with a preventive nature that can promote youth mental health.
Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, said, "It is an honor to attend a meeting to propose policies that can help youth isolated from society through the activities of the Youth Crisis Care Committee," adding, "I hope these policy proposals will add a little warmth to the lives of youth in crisis."
He added, "As with the opinion from the launching ceremony, I hope that this care system will not be limited to the village community, but will develop into a warm society where everyone can participate."
Chairman Kang Kyung sook said, "I feel responsible for serving as chairman of meaningful committees such as the Youth Crisis Care Committee," adding, "I want to contribute a little to creating a warm future for youths in crisis by proposing various policies, seeking support measures."
The Youth Crisis Care Committee, co-chaired by Professor Kang Kyung sook (secondary special education) of Wonkwang University and Professor Kim Young hwan of Pusan National University, operates five departments by 66 members. The committee was organized to provide help to students suffering from emotional and psychological pain, teenagers out of school, multicultural, North Korean defectors, end-of-protection youths, dyslexia, and other youths in need of social help.
According to the COVID-19 quarantine guidelines, 18 members, including Kang Deuk-gu, head of the National Sympathy Center, and Yoon Young-deok, head of the Education Committee, attended the launching ceremony, and policy proposals were made by division, including Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement. The policy proposal was made in each field to help teenagers in each situation, and along with the village community, it proposed an integrated platform with a preventive nature that can promote youth mental health.
Seong Dae Geun, CEO Of The Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement, said, "It is an honor to attend a meeting to propose policies that can help youth isolated from society through the activities of the Youth Crisis Care Committee," adding, "I hope these policy proposals will add a little warmth to the lives of youth in crisis."
He added, "As with the opinion from the launching ceremony, I hope that this care system will not be limited to the village community, but will develop into a warm society where everyone can participate."
Chairman Kang Kyung sook said, "I feel responsible for serving as chairman of meaningful committees such as the Youth Crisis Care Committee," adding, "I want to contribute a little to creating a warm future for youths in crisis by proposing various policies, seeking support measures."