To attend the 2021 International Cyber ​​Crime Symposium


To attend the 2021 International Cyber ​​Crime Symposium

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[크기변환]2021 국제사이버 범죄 심포지엄1.jpg


[크기변환]2021 국제사이버 범죄 심포지엄2.jpg

1. Event name : 2021 International Cyber Crime Response Symposium

2. Event Date : Monday, October 18, 2021 to Friday, October 22, 2021. For 4 days

3. Event Venue : ISCR official website held online

4. Event organizer : National Police Agency

5. Event program



opening session

President's Congratulatory Address

Welcome speech by the Commissioner of the National Police Agency

Congratulatory video

Opening video

Certificate of Appreciation

special session

Cyber international cooperation investigation blueprint through ransomware investigation case

Big data and privacy

public session

Session 1 : Cybercrime Trends in 2021

Evolution of cybercrime according to the global pandemic

Technological development and cyber security threats

Current status of legal reforms related to virtual currency

Presentation of trends and cases of cyberbullying against youth

Evolving cyber fraud trends and countermeasures in the era of COVID 19

Session 2 : Cybercrime Response Strategy

Establishment of response to international, regional and national investigation agencies for cybercrime

BitLocker ransomware analysis case and attack group profiling
