planning to attend the 2021 Korea Cognitive Science Industry Association's regular technical seminar.


planning to attend the 2021 Korea Cognitive Science Industry Associati…

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MZ세대와 메타버스.jpg

1. Seminar Date and Date :  August 24, 2021 (Tue) 09:00 ~ 11:30


2. Seminar venue : International Conference Hall on the 1st floor of Pangyo 2nd Techno Valley Corporate Support Hub


3. Seminar attendance : No more than 49 people in compliance with COVID-19 quarantine rules

4. Seminar Composition : Korea Cognitive Science Industry Association (Full-time Vice Chairman Kwon Hee chun)


5. Seminar Topics : keynote lecture "MZ Generation and Metaverse",

                        A seminar on new technologies to understand the MZ generation, which is emerging as a leader in the new generation consumer                            market, and to confirm the possibility and business feasibility of growthing metaverse.


6. Organization of the event

  A. Metaverse keynote lecture with MZ generation.

  B. This is the introduction of Toonimotion CEO Cho Kyu-seok's business cooperation.

  C. Introduction to the "Robo World" event that will hold at KINTEX on October 21 by the Korea Robot Industry Association.
