Kang Byung Sam CEO / Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement Corp Vice President
In order to provide useful information, politics, current affairs, and employment information, the Jian Internet Newspaper has established and implemented policies to protect teenagers from harmful substances based on laws such as information and communication networks
Politics and current affairs
- Provide information on the 4th Industrial Revolution and IT-related fields
- Provide information on various issues based on trust
- Strengthen the capacity to provide information in a form suitable for the needs and needs of readers
Employment information
- Improving the quality of life of the people and promoting the development of the national economy by providing employment-related information
- Providing information on employment-related events such as issues of various companies and job fairs
Youth Protection Policy
- Restriction of access to harmful information and management measures for adolescents
- Training of persons in charge of business for youth protection from harmful information
- Counseling for damage caused by harmful information and handling of grievances
- After designating a youth protection officer, various activities to create a sound Internet environment are carried out