company information > Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement Corp


Company information
Corporate name Korea Institute For Education & Evaluation Advancement Corp capital one thousand
Dates of establishment May 18, 2021 Settlement of accounts period December
listing day Expected Total capital 537,612,000
CEO Seong Dae Geun The address of the headquarters 4th floor, Flower Mall Building, 145 Sin-daero, Jeju-si, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, 63134, zip code
Representative business type Educational Advisory and Evaluation / Academic, Research Services / Natural Science R&D The representative call +82 - 64- 744 -2993
company information view
Organization Status of the Board of Directors
Position Name the day of appointed Terms Whether to subscribe to liability
insurance for damages to directors
CEO Seong Dae Geun May 18, 2021 3 years join
director Kang Byung sam May 18, 2021 3 years join
(Chairman's name : Seong Dae Geun / The total number of directors : 14 people)
The operation status of the board of directors
Date The main agenda Whether be passed The number of participants
2021-05-17 1. Appointment of an outside director (Candidate: Jeong Song ki and 10 others) be passed 3/3(100%)
2021-05-17 2. Approval of the use of the board of directors' corporate card be passed 3/3(100%)
2021 BOD meeting details
Article of Incorporation, Regulations of the board of directors. , Corporate Governance Charter
Article of Incorporation Regulations of the board of directors Corporate Governance Charter
Differences between exemplary standards and Corporate Governance
Recommendations for exemplary standards Whether adopted Remark
adoption of Corporate Governance Charter introduction
adoption of Ethics regulations for employees not introduced
Adoption of the intensive voting system and Disclosure Whether adopted not introduced
Composition of the board of directors (The majority outside directors) not introduced
Separation of the CEO and the chairman of the board of directors or Appointment of a senior outside director. not introduced
Disclosure of the pros and cons of the board of directors' activities, attendance rate, and major agenda items. introduction
Formation of the Outside Director Candidate Recommendation Committee. not introduced
composition of Compensation committee. not introduced
composition of audit committee(All outside directors.) not introduced
adoption of regulations on the roles and operating procedures of the board of directors and various committees. introduction
Subscribe to the liability insurance of the director at the company's expense. introduction
Evaluation of activities of the board of directors. not introduced
Maintaining the independence of external auditors. not introduced
Certification of accuracy and completeness of financial reporting by the CEO and financial manager. not introduced
Explain the difference between exemplary standards introduction
Audit reports and important Frequent disclosure notice disclosures in Korean and English. not introduced Korean disclosure

1st regular general shareholders' meeting
Number of shares issued 179,204
Number of stocks with voting rights 179,204
Number of shares attending the shareholders' meeting (exercise of voting rights) 103,334
The number of shares of major shareholders and related parties among the number of shares attending the shareholders' meeting (exercise of voting rights) 43,334
The number of shares other than major shareholders and related parties among the number of shares attending the shareholders' meeting (exercise of voting rights) 32,536
Status of voting rights in the number of shares other than major shareholders and related parties among the number of shares attending the shareholders' meeting (exercise of voting rights) 81.9%
The current situation of ayes and noes of each agenda Agreement Opposition Remark
Ratio to the number of shares Attend Ratio to the number of shares Attend
Agenda No. 1: Appointment of an outside director (Candidate: Jeong Song-ki and 10 others) 81% 19% be passed with the original plan
Agenda No. 2: Approval of the use of the board of directors' corporate card 81% 19% be passed with the original plan
categorize Dividend per share (won) Dividends (100 million) Dividend rate (based par value) The market dividend rate Dividend propensity
2021 year 500 Expected Expected Expected Expected
* Class stocks are paid by adding a dividend of 1% (5 won) equally every year
- KIEEA dividends can only be received if you hold stocks as of the end of dividends as of March, June, September, and December.
- The dividend payment date may be a difference from one day to two days, and can be received around 5, 8, 11, and April, about two months later.
  (However, dividends of December are paid in April, after the shareholders' meeting in March.)

KIEEA Quarterly Dividend Payment Schedule
Dividend base date payment day
1 quarter end of March May 20
2 quarters end of June August 20
3 quarters end of september November 20
4 quarters end of december April 20
Types of stocks Total number of shares issued Total par value Remark
common stock 179,204 537,612,000 face value 500
total 179,204 537,612,000
present situation of Composition of shareholders (in August 2021)
categorize The number of stock Ratio
■ Other than the largest shareholder 103,334 57.7%
■ individual 43,334 24.2%
■ Individual minority shareholder 32,536 18.2%
total 179,204 100%
balance sheet
categorize 2021 year 2022 year 2023 year 2024 year 2025 year
Total assets 537,612,000
liquid assets -
fixed assets -
Total amount of debt -
liquid debt -
fixed debt -
Total capital 1,000
Capital 1,000
(Unit: 10,000 won)
income statement
categorize 2021 year 2022 year 2023 year 2024 year 2025 year
Cost of sales
gross margin from sales
Sales and administrative expenses
operating profit
Other profits
Other expenses
Net profit before deducting corporate tax
Corporate tax expense
net profit during the term
(Unit: 10,000 won)
Financial status